President of SACC-LA Foundation

I hope this New Year has started well for each of you and that 2014 becomes the best year of your life! Here at the Chamber we are already going full force with many exciting things in the works and coming up.
In particular I am excited to share with you the vamping up of our Foundation. The Foundation was started a number of years ago, but remained virtually dormant. We have now “resurrected” it and have great plans. The new Directors/Officers of the Foundation are Jennings Segura, Amir Maki and myself. As you may have noticed, over the last few years the Chamber has grown tremendously and expanded into many areas and events. Resurrecting the Foundation is part of that expansion in that it will be a great vehicle to do even more wonderful things. One of the cool aspects of the Foundation is that it is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which allows for tax deductible donations which will benefit corporate and individual supporters and increase funding for cool projects that in turn benefit more people. We will continue to update you on the Foundation and the exciting things that are in store!
Happy New Year!
Kim H. Swartz
President, SACC-LA Foundation
Scandinavian Film Festival in Los AngelesJanuary 18, 19, 25, 26

The Scandinavian Film Festival celebrates it’s 15th anniversary this year and has a spectacular program that reaches over two weekends in January, starting tomorrow.
The yearly showcase of Nordic films and filmmakers screens the year’s Scandinavian films submitted to the Academy as nominees for Best Foreign-Language Film as well as other current feature, documentary, and short films.
Among the Swedish contributions this year you will find “Eat, Sleep, Die” by Gabriela Pichler, “Call Girl” by Mikael Marcimain, “Reliance” by William Olsson and “We Are The Best” by Lukas Moodysson.
What: Scandinavian Film Festival L.A. When: January 18, 19, 25, 26. Check full schedule here Where: Writers Guild Theater, 135 South Doheny in Beverly Hills 90211. See map here Tickets: $12 Individual Screenings, $40 Gala Buffet & Film, $140 Festival Passport. Buy tickets here
And the Nominees are…

On the 16th of January the nominees for the 86th Academy Awards were announced and we congratulate the entire Danish team behind the movie “The Hunt” who got nominated for Best Foreign Language Film. If you haven’t seen the movie yet, you have a great opportunity to see it at the Scandinavian Film Festival next Sunday, January 25th (Show schedule).
Big congrats to the other two Danish nominees as well, “The Act of Killing”, in the category of best Documentary Feature and “Helium” in the Live Action Short category.
Find all the Academy Award nominees here.
2013 Eliason Merit Award The Event Video
Once again, we would like to thank all of you who joined us at the spectacular Eliason Merit Award 2013 at the W Hollywood Hotel Rooftop. Please enjoy the below short but fun video from the event and why not try to find yourself and all your friends in this very glamorous crowd.
Looking forward to seeing all of you at our next big event!
SACC-LA has a new Marketing Manager PR & Communications

Erik Oredsson
When Erik at the age of 15 received his first film camera, his big compassion for film production was born. Since then, his knowledge in film making has grown at the same time as his network has expanded. Today he’s running his own business where he’s producing movies for small/medium companies in Sweden.
In 2009 he started to study at Lund University and will later this year receive a masters’ degree in Industrial Management and Engineering. Because of his big interest in PR & Communication he was taking a half year break from his studies in 2012 and worked as a Project Manager at Jansäter Communications in Malmö, Sweden.
As the Marketing Manager within PR & Communications, Erik is hoping that he will make an impact on SACC-LA’s graphic profile and also expand their communication through motion pictures. He will also be responsible for the social media channels, website, newsletter and overall communication strategies. You can contact him at: pr.saccla@gmail.com, (323) 309-5037
SACC-LA’s Board Member, Marcus Kowal, is Ready to Rumble!

Our board member Marcus Kowal shows unsuspected qualities when he is fighting for RFA against Zac Chavez next Friday. The match will be broadcasted at AXS TV and we are very proud to support Marcus’s who will be sporting SACC-LA’s logo on both his shirt and fight shorts. Do not miss this thrilling event and show your support for our real champion, Mr Kowal.
Marcus will also be up in the ring fighting “Big Cat” for MTV’s “Fantasy Factory”, airing March. We’ll let you know when to specifically tune in for this event as well.
What is RFA12? Find out here!
What: RFA12 fight, Marcus Kowal vs Zac Chavez When: January 24, 7pm Where: Shrine Expo Hall, 665 W Jefferson Blvd. See map here. Broadcast: AXS TV
The QS World MBA Tour January 26

SACC-LA’s Young Professionals are entitled to free entrance to the QS World MBA Tour in Los Angeles. To redeem this offer, register now via this link: http://goo.gl/TFFDEK
More and more young professionals make their career dreams come true by leveraging with an MBA. Some change their industries, some get their working functions shifted, some move to a new place and some even get their own companies started right after graduation.
Join the QS World MBA Tour Los Angeles to meet with over 30 of the world’s top local and international business schools.
During this one day event you can:
– Apply for $1.2M of exclusive MBA scholarships to help finance your MBA
– Meet face-to-face with admission directors from top international and local business schools, including UCLA Anderson, UC Irvine, Hult, IE, IESE, ESADE, Copenhagen B-school and many more…
– Network with Ivy League MBA Alumni from Harvard and Wharton
– Attend a free GMAT seminar hosted by GMAC, the creators of the exam
– Get personalized advice on your MBA essay, application and interview
What: The QS World MBA Tour – Los Angeles When: Sunday, January 26th, 1.30 pm – 6pm (You can attend any time between 1.30pm-6pm) Where: DoubleTree by Hilton LA Downtown. See map HERE Price: Free for all Members of SACC-LA. Save $15 RSVP: Register here: http://goo.gl/TFFDEK
More information on QS Top MBA’s webpage: www.topmba.com/events/qs-world-mba-tour/usa-canada/los-angeles. Please don’t hesitate to contact SACC-LA if you have any questions 310-622-3617
Member Bring Swedish Pizzas to LA CUTTER’S PIZZA

Swedish Pizza has finally found its way to Los Angeles. The ever loved famous Kebab and Gyros Pizza, Vessuvio, Cappricciosa, Kebab Roll, Gyros roll are in the menu. CUTTER’S PIZZA is where Swedish pizza is served at 19014 Ventura Blvd, Tarzana, CA. Find it here.
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Phone 323 397 2374 www.bbvacompass.com
Five Swedish musicians to watch out for in 2014As the Swedish pop scene charges into what could be the most glorious age since Abba, The Local’s Paul Connolly shares five Swedish musical talents to keep an ear out for this year. Read More
Not a member yet?
SACC-LA offers:
– Visibility through different marketing efforts
– Networking events customized to fit your needs
– Matchmaking opportunities
– Discounted deals for members
– Consulting service(s) and market research at an affordable price-point Read more
Princess Madeleine to deliver baby in the USPrincess Madeleine and her husband Christopher O’Neil have decided that their child will be born in the US, the Swedish Royal Court has announced.Read More
Looking for talented Swedish trainees to join your company?
As a Member of SACC-LA your company has access to students and recent graduates of Sweden’s top Universities through our Trainee Program. For more information contact us at info@sacc-la.org or call (310) 622-3616/ (310) 622-3617 or visit our website.