Swedish Pop Band Nervous Nellie in LA

According to the US Blog Pigeons and Planes the Swedish Nervous Nellie is 1 of 20 Scandinavian artists you should know about alongside Icona Pop, The Knife, Miike Snow, Lykke Li, Say Lou Lou, Elliphant and Robyn. They are currently in the U.S. for a series of shows and will visit LA and play at Bardot‘s “School Night” on September the 23rd.
“It’s pretty much every Swedish bands dream to have a go in the US, Los Angeles & New York in particular, so we are excited for sure! Everything in this buisness is a gamble, which makes it fun, it just feels like the right time to put everything on red, white & blue and see what might come out of it. Also, it will help pro-long our summer, it’s more or less fall here already…” says Henrik Jonzon, vocals/guitarr, Nervous Nellie.
Their brand new single “Shoulder” will have its digital release on September 16th. Listen to “Shoulder” on Soundcloud www.soundcloud.com/nervous-nellie/shoulder
You can listen listen to Nervous Nellie and their “Gloves” EP on Spotify and visit their hompage.
When: Monday, September 23rd. Doors open at 8pm.
Where: Bardot Hollywood, 1737 Vine St Hollywood, CA 90028
Price: Free when you RSVP
RSVP at this website www.itsaschoolnight.com/losangeles
What Sweden Can Teach the U.S
CNN’s Insights After President Obama’s Visit to Sweden
“It’s time we re-defined the word “Swedenization” – instead of a slur, it’s an example of smart economics.”
Visit CNN’s Global Public Square site for full article and video.
Incubate, Accelerate and Pay It Forward for Businesses
Monday, September 16th

We are proud to co-promote another great Pay it Forward event together with Your Office Agent, Satellite and Lounge 3110. This Pay it Forward for Business event is supposed to be the biggest so far and all the tickets are now sold out. The event is all about bringing the biggest businesses, mentors and angel investors in Santa Monica together to give free advice and help for your business to keep growing. It is an outstanding event for you who wish to keep expanding your business and personal network. There will be lots of give aways, raffles and free drinks. Any drinks you may want on top of the free ones are to happy hour prices.
When: Monday, September 16th at 6pm – 9pm.
Where: The Annex, Satellite, 3110 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA 90405. See map here.
Tickets: SOLD OUT
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For additional information please contact Mattias Gunnarsson at (213) 356-6978 or mattias.gunnarsson@us.pwc.com