#SwedenontheRoad – 9th of June

Read more about the concept Sweden on the Road here
On Monday, June 9th, SACC-LA and the Embassy of Sweden enjoyed an entire day full of activities as part of their concept Sweden on the Road.
After a couple of days in San Francisco and Silicon Valley the Embassy, together with friends from the gaming industry, arrived to Los Angeles in their customized Volvo Bus.First up was a studio visit at 20th Century Fox hosted by SACC-LA’s Vice President Tomas Jegeus who is also the Co-President of Fox Worldwide Marketing and Distribution.After a great conversation with Tomas, Sweden on the Road continued on a tour at Fox Studios where they got to browse through props from some of the great movies, like “Cast Away” and “X-men”. They also had the opportunity to hold a real Oscar statue and look through the large costume wardrobe at 20th Century Fox lot.Then it was time for lunch at the exquisite restaurant Gravlax serving Scandinavian and Turkish cuisine. A three course menu was served, including the classic Toast Skagen. After lunch it was time to continue the adventure to the successful video game developers DICE.
Fredrik Löving, General Manager at Dice and Board Member of SACC-LA together with the Swedish Ambassador Björn Lyrvall, President of SACC-LA Gudrun Giddings and Executive Vice President of SACC-LA Kim H. Swartz.
At DICE the group got to listen to a presentation by General Manager and SACC-LA Board Member Fredrik Löving, Senior Development Director Cristian Grass, and Line Manager Chris Tamburrino on how DICE brought their Sweden inspired company culture to the LA office among other topics. The presentations were then followed by a guided tour around the facility.Time flies when you’re having fun and after an intense day the group suddenly had to hurry home and change for the evening event, Sweden Exposed….
Magnus Stefansson, Founder and Co-owner of Gravlax together with The Swedish Ambassador Björn Lyrvall.
Per Strömbäck, Head of Operations at Dataspelsbranschen proudly holds an Oscar statue at 20th Century Fox studios.
The Embassy of Sweden and some SACC-LA Board Members at the 20th Century Fox.